Posted On 25 May 2018
Bread making: There are four essential elements applied to the making of bread doughs. Understanding these crucial points that you will master over time ( lots of practice) will bring you the satisfaction of consistent quality finished products.
Flour quality: The protein content of bread flour is 12% – 14% on average. The protein quality refers to the proteins ability to be developed into a strong gluten matrix within a specified mixing time.
Water absorption: The amount of water the flour can absorb will vary depending on the dough type. On average, the water will range from a minimum of 60% up to 85% or higher.
Dough development: Refers to mixing the dough when the water and other ingredients are added to its optimum level – often tested by the dough maker using the gluten window test.
Temperature control: The control of fermentation process is done by controlling the water temperature used in the dough. Generally, a temperature between 4-7°C would be satisfactory, depending on your dough making method.
The finished dough temperature will influence the rate of fermentation and processing from scaling, moulding and final proof box.
Practice is the key element and the application of the three senses of:
· Watching what is happening: looking at how the dough develops and is mixed in the bowl
· Listening to what is happening: how the dough is being formed, the machine will tell a story.
· Feeling what is happening: what is the finished dough temperature ( touch will reveal a lot about temperature. If hand mixing, you will be able to senses the dough development as you mix.
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