Baking in Asia
The book is a story on the journey of a Bakery Educator Mike Fleming who at the invitation of a Shanghainese entrepreneur was able to fulfil a desire to visit China. The proposal was to establish a western style bakery in Suzhou and Wuxi to capitalise on the growth of the western food with the local population. It was while planning this trip that an opportunity which would be life changing presented itself. Singapore was looking for a Principal/ Master Trainer to establish its first professional bakery school. This was a joint venture between Singapore’s National Productivity Board and Prima Limited the local flour miller. Friends recommend the opportunity to Mike as they felt it was a perfect fit for my profile!
The book details the activities of establishing the bakeries in China with all its challenges and successes. Also, a side trip to Italy exploring Sardinia and Milan with an Italian friend who was a Gelato and Pastry specialist from Sydney Australia.
The following chapters explore the move to Singapore to establish the Baking Industry Training Centre BITC in the period of March 1993 to March 1998. The huge task of building a school which was in the warehouse of the Flour Mill. The fit out of the rooms with suitable state of the art baking equipment and utensils. Recruiting and training suitable staff along with the curriculum development activities brought its challenges to a stranger in a new culture. Establishing local contacts with organisations such as the Singapore Bakery and Confectionery Association, Institute of Technical Education and other interested parties was another interesting learning exercise. These needed to be cultivated as the ultimate success of the venture was to provide a curriculum and facility which people would want to visit and learn about baking.
Moving onto a new chapter in April of 1998 with a local Singapore Ingredient technology company CerealTech Pte Ltd specialising in bakery technology incorporating enzyme technology for bread processing as technical manager. The chapters follow the Mike’s journey through the neighbouring countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar and China providing technical services and training programs to the local bakeries.
Extensive Research and Development work conducted for companies such as Sara Lee Corporation and non -profit organisations US Potato Board and California Raisin Board are detailed along with outcomes. The development of new products and ways to incorporate specific ingredients in a wide array of bakery items. Presenting the findings of work on the inclusion of US Dehydrated Potato as a functional ingredient which can bring added softness and moistness to breads , buns and cakes across the region and as far afield as Bosie Idaho and Portland Oregon. Conducting workshops in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. The development of specific quality assurance focused bakery training in hamburger bun and English muffins for makers of the products delivered to the McDonalds outlets.
Expanding the training portfolio within the region with several programs designed and conducted in East Malaysia in Kuching and West Malaysia in Damansara to Culinary arts students to gain an insight into baking technology. Working with the American Institute of baking in the collaboration of distance learning programs allowing Asian bakers to gain recognised qualifications without travelling to USA. Holding seminars and workshops in Singapore and Indonesia on Bakery management, frozen dough technology were some examples undertaken with AIB.
The concluding chapters focus on the growth of the training activities here in Singapore and the establishing of another Professional Bakery Training school in 2007. CerealTech School of Baking Technology offered a Diploma in Baking Arts and Science as its signature program. This would attract local and International student attendance. Several its students would go onto establishing bakery/ café’s in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan because of the training. Building another school along with the desired curriculum in a new regulatory environment for Private Education Industry established by the Singapore government to improve the quality of vocational education, brought a new set of challenges of compliance. The establishment of the school along with the various activities associated are discussed in detail for the reader.
Throughout the book right up to the final chapter you will experience the passion Mike has for his chosen profession. With the final chapter reflecting of how the whole experiences impacted on Mike and the gratefulness he has through the interaction with students, bakers and colleagues along the journey.