Posted On 25 May 2018
Temperature and its roll all across the baking processes are critical to baking success;
ingredients, method, processing parameters all require a good understanding of the importance of temperature. In Singapore, we are fortunate/ unfortunate to have constant high temperatures and humidity that will play a role in how baking products turn out after baking.
The importance of temperature control during making and processing
The controlling of doughs, cake batters, pastry doughs etc., during mixing and processing requires an understanding of the role temperature plays in the process.
Cake batters – require fats to be soft enough so they will entrap the maximum amount of air during mixing; baked volume, texture and mouthfeel properties are enhanced when fats are at the correct consistency/ temperature
Bread doughs – using water to control the final dough temperature and fermentation process.
Laminated doughs – keeping the doughs cold throughout the whole lengthy process is critical to the success of the baked pastries, as is the prolonged resting periods recommended.
Fermentation- the control of humidity levels and final proofing temperatures will ensure the relaxed expansion of dough before baking.

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categoryBaking Tips